Tuesday 30 June 2020

इंग्लिश में बात करें पर्सनलिटी के बारे में

Conversation Questions
Body Language

Why do you think body language is important?

How do you use body language in your daily life?

How does body language help you to communicate?

How does your native culture use body language? What kind of body language do you use at school? What are some examples of body language that boys use? Women? Boys? Girls? Children?

What actions are threatening?

What actions are friendly?

What actions are not allowed?

What "new" body language have you seen since coming to your new country? did those actions confuse you?

How does eye contact differ from your native country to your new one?

How can you misinterpret someone's body language?

Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English? 

Monday 29 June 2020

आपको कैसे कपड़े पहनना चाहिए

 Conversation Questions
Clothes & Fashion

About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?

Do you like shopping for new clothes?

Do you often buy new clothes?

Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? Why?

Do you think men should be allowed to wear skirts?

What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why?

Do you read fashion magazines?

Do you sometimes wear a hat?
Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?

Do you think it is important to be in fashion?

Do you wear jewelry?

If so, what kind of jewelry do you wear?

How often do you wear jewelry?

What is your most valuable piece of jewelry?

Do you wear the same color clothes now that you wore ten years ago?

Do you wear the same size clothes this year as you wore last year?

Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?

Have you ever made your own clothes?

If so, what did you make?

Do you often make your own clothes?

How many pairs of gloves do you have?

What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?

What colors do you think look good on you?

What colors do you think look good on your mother?

What did you wear yesterday?

What do you think of body piercing?

Do you have pierced ears?

Do you know anyone with a pierced nose?

Would you ever pierce your tongue?

What do you think of people who dye their hair green?

What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes?

Do you think high heel shoes are bad for a person's health?

What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two years?

What is your shoe size?

What kind of clothes are in fashion now?

What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

What's the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought?

What's your favorite color for shoes?
When was the last time you got dressed up?


How often do you get dressed up?

Do you like to get dressed up?

Where are some good stores to buy clothes in this area?

Where do you usually buy clothes?

Would you like to be a fashion model?

Questions on Styles, Clothing and Fashion-based Stereotypes

What would you think of a women who cut off all her hair and went around bald as a fashion statement?

What do you think of a man who is bald for fashion's sake?

What do you think of women who wear short mini-skirts?

Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us ?

What do you think of people who always and only wear black?

What do you think of people with tattoos?

Do you have a tattoo?

Do you know someone with a tattoo?

What do you think of people with body piercing?

Do you have pierced ears?

Would you pierce other parts of your body?

What would you think of a high school student who always wore very conservative clothes?

What type of clothing do you wear when you are angry and you want to express yourself?

What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy?

Would you dress the same as you do in your country if you went to America for a visit?

Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?

In what ways do you dress differently?

If you went out with a group of high school friends, would you dress differently then if you went out with your grandmother and her friends?

In what ways does your Grandmother dress differently then you?

When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother or grandfather?

Would you ever wear dreadlocks?

What do you think of the people who wear them?

Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids.

Did anyone look at you differently because of it?

Would you ever wear contacts to change your eye color?
What is the difference in the people who choose to wear contacts and the people who choose to were glasses?

What do you think about women who don't wear earrings?

What do you think about men who wear earrings?

What do you think of women who do?

Is it possible for women to wear too much make-up?

When is a person wearing to much make-up?

What do you think of men who wear make-up?

Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or other accessories?

Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?

What differences have you noticed in the fashions here and in your country?

What do you think of men who where tights?

What do you think about secondhand clothes?

Why do you think people buy secondhand clothes?

Have you ever been to a store that sells secondhand clothes?

Have you ever bought secondhand clothes?

Would you buy secondhand clothes?

When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did you choose it?

What would you think if the mother of the groom wore black at a wedding?

What would you think if a bride wore red?

Should a bride's dress be long or do you think it could be the length of a regular skirt?

What items of clothing do you consider provocative in this country?

What types of clothing are provocative in your country?

Do you ever dress this way?

What do you think of men wearing high heels?

What do you think of women wearing high heels?

Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, but not for men to dress in women's clothing?

Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (no brand) clothing?

Are some people more fashion conscious than others? What types/groups of people?

Have you ever bought imitation brand clothing?

What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?

When do you wear them?

Are they comfortable?

In your country do children have to wear school uniform?

Did you wear a school uniform?

Do you think wearing uniforms is a good idea?

What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere because of what you are wearing?

Do you think dress codes should be adhered to if requested on an invitation?

What would you wear to meet royalty or the President of your country?

Would you go to a fancy dress party? Why or why not?
How much do you spend getting ready to go to school? Work? Out with friends? To a party?

Do the times vary much?

What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?

When do you wear them?

Are they comfortable?

Do you think there's a difference between" fashion " and "style" ?

How often do you go clothes shopping?

Where do you like to go?

Who do you like to go with?

How much money do you usually spend?

Would you bring your husband/boyfriend with you when you go clothes shopping?

What do you like to shop for the most?

Where is your favorite shopping centre?

What is your favorite brand?

Are you a shopaholic?

Do you go to many shops before buying one particular item or do you just buy the first one you find?

Do you spend a lot of money on clothes your clothes?

Which type of clothes do you "collect"?

What's your favorite piece of clothing?

How much did it cost?

Where did you buy your favorite piece of clothing?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable with what you wear?

Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn't like?

Do you like to go shopping during the sales?

कौन शहर आपको पसन्द हैं?

Conversation Questions

Why do you like living in the city?

What are some of the advantages of living in a city?

What are some of the disadvantages of living in a city?

Do you know the neighbors who live near you?

What's your favorite city? Why?

What city do you live in?

What part of this city do you like the best?

Can you describe the city?

What aspects of life in the city would you complain about?

What do you think should be done to improve living condition in cities?

What are some differences between living in the city and living in the country?

What size city is best to live in? Why?
What are the names of two big cities in Europe?

What are the names of two small cities in Europe?

Would you prefer to live in a really old historical city, or a really new modern city?

If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?

Did you grow up in the city or in the country?
Would you enjoy designing a new city ?

Do you walk alone at night in your home city?

Would you want to be the mayor of your city?

What would you do?

How would you change things?

Do you think you could make big changes in your city?

Would you want to be a member of the city council of your city?

What monuments of your city do you consider the most impressive? Why?

Do you like modern cosmopolitan architecture?

How would you describe the architecture of your city?
Which cities do you feel safe in?

Which cities have the best bus services/taxis/metro?

How can we make our cities safer places to live?

Do you think that each city should have their own laws or could all cities share the same general laws?

What would you do if you were in charge of a city? How would you improve it?

Do you know if your city has a disaster plan for earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, etc?

If so, what is the plan?

In your opinion, is it a good/sufficient plan?

What changes would you make?
Do all the cities in your country or the U.S. have the same educational system?

Can you suggest some good tourist sites to visit in your city?

Does your city have a professional or semi-professional sports team?

How many teams are there?

What are sports?

What are the team's names?

Do you go and watch some of these sports? How much does it cost?

Do some of these teams win championships?

What are you doing to reduce the amount of pollution in your city?

Does your city have any laws about dealing with pollution?

Do you follow them?

How do you sort garbage in your city?

Do you recycle on a regular basis?

If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?

Would you enjoy designing a new city?

Can you name two cities in twenty different countries around the world?

Do you think some cities are becoming too large? Why?

What are some tourist attractions in your city?
What are some historical places in your city? Have you visited them?

What's the most prestigious university in your city?

What are the major problems in your city?

What are some long term problems?

What are some recent problems?

What is your city doing to solve these problems?

What do you think should be done to solve them ?

What are you doing to help solve these problems?

Where's the trendiest area in your city? Do you enjoy going there?

who are some famous personalities from your city?

What would you do to improve some aspects of your city?

Which city's sports team do you cheer for?
Is your city very cosmopolitan?

What are some cosmopolitan cities around the world

What is the most important part of a city?

Who is the local government head in your city?

Which cities would you like to visit in your home country?

Which cities would you like to visit around the world?

Sunday 28 June 2020

फल और सब्जियां हिंदी इंग्लिश के साथ

Conversation Questions
Fruits and Vegetable

Related: Restaurants, Vegetarian, Diets, Food & Eating

Do you like to eat fruits? What's your favorite one?

How often do you eat fresh fruit?

In your opinion, what's the most delicious fruit?

Do you like vegetables? What's your favorite one?

Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why or why not?

Are you or would you like to be vegetarian?

How often do you drink fruit juice? What kind of fruit juice do you drink?

Do you like to eat fruit salad?

What kind of vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?

What the means the saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?"

Can fruits and vegetables help you cure diseases?

Can fruits and vegetables help you lose weight if you are on a diet?

Do you cultivate fruits or vegetables in your garden?

Do you like to use things that have a fruit smell? ( E.g: Perfumes, erasers, etc)

What's the most delicious fruit in your opinion?

Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why (not)?

How many vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?

What is the meaning of the saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?"

What are the most common fruits and vegetables in your country?

क्या आप अपने लक्ष्य के बारे मैं प्लान बनाया?

                   Conversation Questions
                             वार्तालाप प्रश्न

(Related: Plans, Dreams, Future)

 (संबंधित: योजनाओं, सपने, भविष्य)

What is your biggest goal in life?

How do you plan to achieve that goal?

What are your "short term" goals?

What are your "long term" goals?
Should parents help their children set goals?

What are your educational goals?

What are your career goals?

What are your financial goals?

Why are goals important?
Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?

Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?

Do you think people have fewer goals as they get older?
Do you have any goals that you feel are unrealistic?

How do people's goals change from country to country?

What are your goals in your current job?

What are the main differences between male and female goals?

Which of your goals have you already achieved?

How would you feel if you failed to achieve any of your goals?

Do you think it's a good idea to write your goals down and tick them off as you achieve them?

How important are goals to you?

What do you hope to have achieved by the time you're sixty?

What is a goal?

Can goals help to change your life? How?

What goals do you have in your life?

Is it important to set goals?

Do you have a five year plan for your life?

If you can't make your goal, how do you feel?

What are your families goals?

Are goals necessary to achieve success?

How are plans and goals related?

Are you ambitious enough to achieve the goals you set?

Do you have spiritual/religious goals?

Is one of your goals to be able to talk to your children's English teacher?
Do you think people have less goals as they get older?

How will you feel,if you fail to achieve any of your goals?

What is something you never learned to do but wish you had?

Who is successful in your family? Why?

Tell me about a goal that you achieved for yourself.

What success have you had in this English class? What can you do to be more successful?

Do you believe that people must work hard to become successful? Why or why not?

Can you think of a successful person from your own county? What do they do? How do you think they did it?

What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?
What can you do now to be successful in the future?

Do you think that money and fame means success?

अब दोस्तो सें भी इंग्लिश मैं बात करो

                     Conversation Question

Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?
Can you describe one of your closest friends.

Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.

Do you have any long distance friends?

How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?

How often do you see your long-distance friends?

Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?

Do you make friends easily

Has a friend ever let you down?

Have you made any friends over the Internet?

How often do you write to them?

Have you ever met them in person?

How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?

How do you maintain a good friendship?

How do you make new friends?

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

Is it common to have friendships across generations?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.

Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?

There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."

How can you be a good friend?

What do you usually do with your friends?

What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?

What is a best friend?

What is the longest friendship that you have had?

What makes friends different from family?

What qualities do you think are important in a friend?

What is a friend?

What things should friends never do?

Why do you like your best friend?

What are some things you like about your best friend?

Where is a good place to meet new friends?

Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?

Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?

There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?

Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?

Do you believe your parents should be your friends?

What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?

Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

What do you like best about your best friend(s)?

What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?

How close do you get to your friends?

Why do you need a friend?

What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?

Do you trust all of your friends? Why?

What is the best time for making new friends?

What was your best friendship?

Are you still friends with him or her?

What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?

What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?

Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?

How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?

What are some good opportunities to meet new people?

How can you get to better know a person?

What is the relationship between love and friendship?

Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?

Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?

What type of people do you get along with best?

What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?

What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?

What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?

What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?

Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.

Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?

डेली रूटीन वर्ड मीनिंग हिंदी इंग्लिश के साथ पार्ट 6

डेली रूटीन वर्ड मीनिंग हिंदी इंग्लिश के साथ पार्ट  6 1.  किसी भी                          any 2. नई                                   ...